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UL Assessment

Overview & Performance Indicators

Faculty Success:

The Library provides services and resources for faculty success in teaching, research, and advancement.


Performance Indicators
  1. Library personnel collaborate with instructors to develop, implement, and make accessible course materials that follow pedagogical best practices.
  2. Library personnel collaborate with researchers to support the development, conduct, and dissemination of research.
  3. Library personnel support researchers in the responsible acquisition, management, sharing, and preservation of research data.
  4. Library personnel advocate for and facilitate the responsible use of metrics and other evidence in the evaluation of research and scholars. 
  5. Library personnel collaborate with other campus units to create a strong community of support for all faculty.

PI1 Library personnel collaborate with instructors to develop, implement, and make accessible course materials that follow pedagogical best practices.

Outcome: Faculty seek the input of librarians in developing information literacy instructional materials for their courses and assignments.

Criteria: X% (to establish baseline) of teaching faculty collaborate with librarians in their courses.

Evidence: Instruction and Liaison Outreach Data (LibInsight)

Responsible Unit/Area: Educational Services

Assessment Year: 2020-21

FY 2021 Results: July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021 liaisons interacted with 216 separate instructors in 684 classes or liaison interactions. There are about 4,000 faculty/instructors at IUPUI not including the medical school. Not all of those teach classes. But if we assume 4,000 instructors that means liaisons interact with 5% of faculty at IUPUI.

Discussion: The criteria this year was a baseline. 5% seems very low. We need to figure out if there is a list of actual teaching faculty/instructors to better establish our impact for this metric.

Key Message: Liaison librarians interacted with over 200 instructors and close to 700 classes in AY 20-21.

PI2 Library personnel collaborate with researchers to support the development, conduct, and dissemination of research.

Outcome: TBD

Responsible Unit/Area: Center for Digital Scholarship.

Assessment Year: TBD

FY 2021 Results: Unable to assess in 20-21.

PI3 Library personnel support researchers in the responsible acquisition, management, sharing, and preservation of research data.

PI4 Library personnel advocate for and facilitate the responsible use of metrics and other evidence in the evaluation of research and scholars.

PI5 Library personnel collaborate with other campus units to create a strong community of support for all faculty.