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Finding the Full-Text of an Article

  1. If the full-text of an article is available through a database (, you'll see a link to view the article in HTML and/or PDF.
  2. If the full-text of the article is NOT available through the database, click on the Find It button and a new page will pop-up.
  3. If we have the article in another database, you should see a link to either the article itself or the journal containing the article. (NOTE: You may need to conduct an additional search once you are taken to the other database.)
  4. If the article is NOT available in full-text click on the "IUPUI University Library InterLibrary Services" link (or the link to your home library, Ruth Lilly Medical, Law, Dentistry) and submit a request. In about 24 hours to 3 days, you'll receive an email with a link to the PDF of the article.