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Research Impact Challenge for readers

Information and activities for the Research Impact Challenge reader pathway

What to expect

This 5-day asynchronous online workshop will guide you through the key strategies we recommend for readers. These strategies will introduce tools and platforms to discover research in your field. The goal is to help you identify and adopt the strategies that are most effective and practical for you.

Each day, you will receive an email reminding you to read the day's information and try out the activity. You should be able to read the information and and complete the activity in about 20 minutes. The activities won't make you an expert on a tool or platform, but they should help you determine whether it is worth investing more time and effort into using it.

Learning objectives for readers:

  • Use citation metrics in scholarly databases to find scholarship in your field.
  • Use citation metrics in scholarly databases to find highly cited papers and influential journals in your field.
  • Use scholarly profiles (ORCID, Google Scholar, etc.) to find authors in your field.
  • Use social media platforms (Altmetric, Twitter, etc.) to discover authors and works in your field.


If you have questions, you can reach us at

Thanks for joining us and enjoy!