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Research Impact Challenge: Guide for New IU Indianapolis Faculty

What is IUPUI ScholarWorks?

ScholarWorks is IUPUI's institutional repository. ScholarWorks shares over 15,000 articles, posters, reports, theses, educational materials and historical documents submitted by members of the campus community. 

Submitting your works to ScholarWorks will help disseminate your works more broadly by making them open, accessible, and discoverable.

You'll be able to track the growth in your readership and citation rates, and access statistics on how many times your works have been viewed and downloaded, and from where. 

Example of a faculty member's increase in citations per year after depositing works in ScholarWorks:

Graph of IU faculty member's, Peter Schwartz,citations over time with an annotation of when Peter added his first 7 works to ScholarWorks. The citations per year increase substantially after that.


Example of statistics you can receive for each item in ScholarWorks. These are great stats for promotion and tenure!

Image of statistics for one article in scholarworks. It displays the total number of views and downloads, and the top countries that have viewed and downloaded the work in the last 6 months.

Make Your ScholarWorks Account

1. Go the the IUPUI ScholarWorks homepage: . Then click "Register."

IUPUI ScholarWorks homepage. The Register button is circled.



2. Enter your IUPUI (or IU) email address to create your account. That's it!

New user registration for IUPUI ScholarWorks. It asks for your email address, which will be verified and used as your login name. Enter email address and click register.


[Optional] 3. At this point, you can learn more about IUPUI's Open Access Policy, and its relation to IUPUI ScholarWorks. With the Open Access Policy, IUPUI authors retain rights to their manuscripts and increase their readership and citation counts.  

Have questions? Ask your liaison librarian.  

Bonus: Upload at least one item to ScholarWorks

To get an extra $5 to the Barnes and Noble Cafe on campus, upload at least one item to IUPUI ScholarWorks to make it open, accessible, and discoverable. 

You will need to wait until the ScholarWorks administrator sends you an email to confirm that your account has been validated, and that you have permission to upload items.

Example items:

  • Final, accepted manuscript of an article you published, also called a post-print. It does not have to be an article published while at IUPUI
  • PowerPoint slides from a conference presentation
  • Poster from a conference 
  • White paper
  • Open educational resources (exemplar teaching materials you would like to share)