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Museum Studies

Museum studies is INTERDISCIPLINARY. There isn't one place to look!

Zotero + EndNote

Importing an EndNote library into Zotero, or vice versa, is easy. Both programs can read and write RIS files. Files will not transfer, only the citation information.

Zotero to EndNote

Click on the Actions icon and choose Export Library:

Export library.

Then choose RIS format from the dropdown menu:

RIS format.

In EndNote, select File and then Import:

EndNote import.

Select the file you saved from Zotero, set the import option to Reference Manager (RIS), and click Import:

EndNote file import.

EndNote to Zotero

In EndNote, click File and then Export. Set the output style to RefMan (RIS) Export and save it as a text file:

EndNote export.

In Zotero, click the Action icon and choose Import:

Zotero import.

Double-click the file you exported from EndNote. The new references will be added to a collection named "Imported" followed by the date and time.

Zotero Link Resolver

Use IUPUI's link resolving service, Find It, to search for full-text versions of articles from within Zotero.

Click on the Action icon and select Preferences:

Zotero preferences.

At the bottom of the advanced preferences window, paste this url into the "Resolver" box:

Link resolver.

Now, use the Zotero Locate menu to find full-text versions of articles IUPUI has access to through our subscriptions:

Locate menu.

Adding items by ISBN

If you have a book's ISBN, an online article's DOI or PMID number, click the Add Item(s) by Identifier icon:


Type in the book or article's number, and Zotero will automatically download its information and save it to your library.